We offer web page building services tailored to your specific needs and resources. If you provide us with your logos, domain, and web hosting, we can offer you the lowest possible price for our services. If you don’t have these resources, and we need to acquire them on your behalf, we charge accommodation fees to assist you with your requirements. We strive to maintain reasonable and affordable prices. Additionally, we offer various packages to provide you with a better understanding of our services, as follows:

  • Bring your own logos, and 5 Pages (welcome, about us, etc.). Bring your own Web hosting and Domain.
  • 10 Pages. Bring your own Logos, Bring your own Domain and Hosting

  • 10 Pages we source your domain and hosting, and We create your logos. We also make your webpage interactive such as chat rooms, blogs, and Marketplace so your customers can buy goods or services from your webpage.
  • For unlimited pages, we source your domain and hosting. We Create your logos. We also make your webpage interactive such as chat rooms, blogs, and Marketplace so your customers can buy goods or services from your webpage.

*We are open to matching any competitor prices*


This is a service that is added on if you need us to update your website as needed. It can be daily, weekly, bi-weekly and Monthly. We will negotiate these fees based on which plan you went with or If you need this service or not. Contact us so we can give you a free consultation.

Please fill out the information below if interested. A consultant will contact you Shortly after and help with your needs

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