Ex Operational Manager Stole $9.4 Billion from the company
G. Martinez When you're a mega company and makes millions' or in some case, billions of dollars a year, you need to have trust and faith in your employees. Regrettably Amazon had given both faith and trust into the wrong person. …
Apple Loses Billions of Dollars
G. Marteniz The report about China's plans to expand the ban on iPhones is indeed concerning for Apple. Given that China is Apple's largest foreign market, this move could have significant implications for the company. However, whether Apple will continue to …
Microsoft can close the Activision deal
Hello, I really haven't been updating my website as much simply because I've been in my books. I am lately finishing up what I have left for my degree and certifications in cyber security. I've also been working on projects with …
Facebook Apparently Under Fire for Data Breach
This was inevitable, Facebook apparently breached the trust of its userbase by distributing sensitive personal data of its users to other companies. They avoid going to trial which is in the interest of people who would want to really know what …
UFC and WWE Merge, Parent Company Endeavor buys WWE
Wrestlemania weekend! Yes I attended, during that time I felt different about the product as each day went by. Smackdown was sort of mid-show. It wasn't really that much of an amazing experience like the first time I saw a smackdown. …
Tech Layoffs Are hitting ethics and safety teams
CNN has written a piece on the current state of tech news about how AI has taken most jobs in tech. This can be concerning due to AI not being able to pick up context or demeanor toward hate speech and …
Slow computer? Let Us tune it, Old or New
The most popular business at OhSnap tech is PC tuning, usually laptops. Desktops are also great with this upgrade as well. We take whatever old laptop (or notebook). Tune the CPU to perform at its maximum capacity and upgrade any other …
The Future of OhSnapTech is MSP
Hello, If you clicked this… it's a few reasons why you did so; Manage Service Provider. You are etheir wondering what that is or you know what it is and would like to know more of what this website is doing …
RTX 4090 / 4080
We are touting 8k 60FPS gaming. I think gaming has reached its peak at this point. for a whopping $1,599, you can get your hands on a 4090 graphics card this October on the 12th. Nvidia is the future, when the …
The Rockstar / UBER hack
I really was not going to talk about this because it was more about gaming. GTA VI was leaked and I don't want to give my opinion on the game itself, Seeing that I have been recently learning code and creating …
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